Doch bevor sie uns verließen, schauten wir uns noch einige Orte mit ihnen zusammen an. z.B. den Zoo und Botanischen Garten in Rockhampton.
The next pictures are about a sad part of our journey with Daniel and Sofia, because we went quickly to brisbane. From Brisbane they went back home to Germany.
Before they had to leave us, we went to some places, like the Zoo and Botanical Garden in Rockhampton.
Zwischendrin kamen meine Instrumente mal wieder zum Einsatz, die ich mir geholt habe. Schließlich möchte wir ja mit gesunden Beißerchen heim kommen und ich verlerne meinen Job nicht so schnell. ;)
During our journey I could use my dental instruments again. We bought them, so we could keep our teeth healthy and I wouldn't forget, how to do the cleaning treatment. ;)
In Harvey Bay sind wir über den Steg spaziert und haben den sonnigen Morgen genoßen, bevor es weiter Richtung Brisbane ging.
We had a nice walk at harvey bay, where we enjoyed the nice sunny morning before driving further to brisbane.
Wir singen das Fischerlied. Singing the fishersong together. :) |
We didn't aspect brisbane, how we experienced it. We thought it's a city which you don't have to see, but it's just our thought, maybe someone else would say it's worth to stay longer. Anyway, we had a good time there, saw the museum, the belltower and learned a lot about brisbanes history.
Und dann plötzlich war schon Montag und ein wunderschöner Monat mit zwei so tollen Menschen war vorbei. Wir fühlen uns gesegnet und beschenkt für die Zeit mit Daniel und Sofia!
Far to soon the wonderful time with those beautiful peope was over. We feel blessed and gifted for the time we could spend with Daniel and Sofia.
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